
Tuesday 21 July 2015

Military Option Not Enough to Stop Boko Haram - U.S.

American Vice President Joe Biden told President Buhari that military option is not enough to win the fight against Boko Haram.
President Buhari on Monday, July 20, in Washington DC, was hosted to a private breakfast meeting by American Vice-President, Joe Biden, where they compared notes on the terror war.
At the meeting, which held at the Naval Observatory, official residence of Vice President, Biden shared with Buhari what the U.S. has learnt from the terror war, saying that "victory cannot come from military option alone.’’
Joe Biden said that military option must be combined with strong socio-economic support programmes, promising that the U.S. would work with Nigeria in that direction.
He also assured of the goodwill of the U.S. in rebuilding the Nigerian economy, but observed that corruption and weak institutions must be tackled, if Nigeria is to benefit from reforms.
He further stressed that seasoned technocrats must manage key sectors of the Nigerian economy, and only then will investors be attracted to the country.
Biden congratulated Buhari on his victory at the March 2015 elections, adding that it was obvious that the President enjoyed the confidence of the Nigerian people.
In his remarks, President Buhari thanked the U.S. for standing by Nigeria in the run up to general elections early this year, noting that the visit of the Secretary of State, John Kerry, was critical as it sent home the message that America would not brook the subversion of the people's will.